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F Robert
Communication et gestion des ressources humaines ; terminale STG ; spécialité communication et gestion des ressources humaines ; CD corrigé
M Guittard, S Marguet, F Alibert, D Chuet, S Pajaud, F Robert
- Bertrand Lacoste
- 20 Octobre 2010
- 9782735292301
Le CD corrigé fournit à l'enseignant, pour chaque chapitre :
- une proposition de correction de la synthèse à établir par les élèves (sous forme de schéma et rédigée), - les réponses à toutes les questions, complétées par des explications, tableaux et savoirs complémentaires destinés à l'enseignant, - le lexique de toutes les notions à construire avec leurs définitions, - des conseils d'animation et d'organisation de la classe durant les activités de jeux de rôle et de reportages de terrain, - des exercices supplémentaires ne figurant pas dans le manuel que l'enseignant pourra donner en devoir.
En outre, pour tous les chapitres sur la communication de groupe, une fiche notionnelle complète destinée uniquement à l'enseignant est fournie, avec les références bibliographiques nécessaires.
Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates et Big Pharma : leur guerre mondiale contre la démocratie et la santé publique
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
- Marco Pietteur
- Resurgence
- 9 Mars 2022
- 9782874341953
Les médias grand public financés par l'industrie pharmaceutique ont convaincu des millions d'Américains que le Dr Anthony Fauci est un héros. Or, il est tout sauf un héros. En tant que directeur de l'Institut national des allergies et des maladies infectieuses (NIAID), le Docteur Anthony Fauci distribue chaque année 6,1 milliards de dollars d'argent public à la recherche scientifique, ce qui lui permet de dicter le sujet, le contenu et les résultats des études sur la santé humaine dans le monde entier. Fauci utilise la puissance financière dont il dispose pour exercer une influence extraordinaire sur les hôpitaux, sur les universités, sur la presse médicale et sur des milliers de médecins et scientifiques de premier plan - il a le pouvoir de ruiner ou d'accélérer leurs carrières, de les récompenser, et tient entre ses mains le destin des institutions au sein desquelles ils exercent.
Labo p4 Wuhan : Que nous a-t-on caché ? ; La terrifiante course aux armes biologiques
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
- Marco Pietteur
- Resurgence
- 9 Avril 2024
- 9782874342127
Des expériences de « gain de fonction » sont souvent menées pour développer délibérément des agents pathogènes hautement virulents et facilement transmissibles, dans le but déclaré de mettre au point des vaccins préventifs contre les virus animaux avant qu'ils ne passent à l'homme. Plus insidieux encore est le caractère « à double usage » de ces recherches, spécifiquement orientées vers le développement d'armes biologiques. Ce livre révèle comment l'augmentation des dépenses du Gouvernement américain en matière de biosécurité après les attaques terroristes de 2001 a déclenché un plan visant à transformer l'Institut national des allergies et des maladies infectieuses (NIAID), sous la direction du Dr Anthony Fauci, en une agence de facto du département de la Défense.
Vacciné, non vacciné : Qui est en meilleure santé ? Que dit la science ?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
- Marco Pietteur
- 11 Juin 2024
- 9782874342226
Les études que le CDC refuse de réaliser. Ce livre s'appuie sur plus d'une centaine d'études publiées dans des revues à comité de lecture et comparant des populations vaccinées et non vaccinées. Chaque étude est analysée, et les différences de santé entre les nourrissons, les enfants et les adultes qui ont été vaccinés et ceux qui ne l'ont pas été sont présentées et replacées dans leur contexte. Les lecteurs trouveront des informations sur le calendrier de vaccination des nourrissons et des enfants, le thimérosal dans les vaccins, les vaccins à virus vivants, le vaccin contre le papillomavirus humain (HPV), la vaccination et la maladie de la guerre du Golfe, les vaccins contre l'influenza (grippe), les vaccins DTC, la vaccination contre l'hépatite B, le vaccin COVID-19 et les vaccins pendant la grossesse.
Wisconsin 1873. À la mort de ses parents victimes dela grande crise financière, Jenny Doussmann part dans lesGrandes Plaines rejoindre son frère, Otto, vétéran de la guerre de Sécession devenu chasseur de bisons. Ceux-ci commencentà se faire rares, sans compter les rivalités entre chasseurs et laplupart des tribus indiennes entrées en guerre. Le premier hiverde ces deux émigrants allemands, seuls dans l'immensité, tourne au cauchemar. Ils seront sauvés par une vieille connaissance,Two Shields, un Cheyenne du Sud qui s'engage à veiller sur eux.Devenus membres de sa tribu, Jenny et Otto devront combattre àla fois d'autres chasseurs et des tribus ennemies des Cheyennes. Dans ce roman sauvage et lyrique, les Grandes Plaines sont leréceptacle d'un monde à l'agonie et font corps avec l'Indienet le bison décimés. Ce tableau de l'Ouest américain, avec sesdescriptions crépusculaires, mais réalistes, n'épargne personne, animaux et humains : Indienscomme Blancs.
Un regard lucide et sans concession, vif et dur, sur la période la plus tumultueuse et tragique de l'histoire de l'Ouest américain.Dan O'BrienAvec admiration et respect, je ne cesserai de m'exclamer « wow ! » en lisant ce livre. « L'Agonie des Grandes Plaines » est un roman formidable, prenant, excitant, fascinant, magnifiquement écrit.Elmore Leonard Robert F. Jones (1934-2002), romancier, éditorialiste au Men's Journal et journaliste pour Sports Illustrated and Fields & Stream, a écrit plusieurs ouvrages,documents comme romans, dont Jake et Upland Passage qui ont reçu des prix. -
Comment définir des objectifs pédagogiques
Robert f. Mager
- Dunod
- Education Sup
- 2 Septembre 2020
- 9782100808120
Un ouvrage "classique" conçu sous une forme interactive : le lecteur est guidé dans sa progression et peut s'auto-évaluer. Le livre traite de tous les aspects ayant trait à la définition des objectifs pédagogiques.
Cet ouvrage constitue la première synthèse sur la profession de professeur des écoles depuis vingt ans. Outre les éléments de présentation sociologique classiques, son originalité tient à ce qu'il aborde en détail la question de l'activité professionnelle au jour le jour et dresse des « portraits socio-professionnels ».
Il constitue une étude scientifique objective, sans complaisance mais avec bienveillance, et traite également les questions syndicales et « politiques » en lien avec l'actualité de ces dernières années (notamment l'épineux problème des rythmes scolaires et celui du poids des prescriptions institutionnelles).
Exigeant sur le fond, mais accessible à tous, s'adresse donc non seulement aux sociologues, étudiants en sociologie et en sciences de l'éducation, mais aussi aux professeurs des écoles eux-mêmes comme aux étudiants des ESPE se destinant à cette profession. De même qu'aux inspecteurs de l'Éducation nationale et formateurs d'ESPE.
Dans cet ouvrage, Rodman décrit le cheminement de Winnicott, homme créatif et ouvert au monde, dans l'élaboration de son uvre. Le récit de sa vie met en évidence la manière dont il a procédé pour la construction des théories psychanalytiques singulières et originales qui ont une grande influence sur tous les professionnels de l'enfance, qu'ils soient psys, éducateurs ou travailleurs sociaux. L'écriture de Rodman est simple et accessible, comme l'était celle de Winnicott. Cette traduction constitue la première biographie complète et étoffée accessible au public français. En effet dans de nombreux ouvrages consacrés à son uvre, on trouve des références ponctuelles à son histoire, mais les citations biographiques sont toujours les mêmes éléments d'une légende personnelle.
F. Robert Rodman est psychanalyste et écrivain.
This biography tells the story of how a great intellect, Noam Chomsky's, was shaped. It describes the political and intellectual contexts that helped form the unyielding principles by which Chomsky lives, and the arenas of scholarship, political action, and ideology to which he still contributes. Along the way, the book provides an engaging political history of the last several decades, and many insights into how history too often gets rewritten. Chomsky's views on the uses and misuses of the university are highlighted, as are his doubts about the legitimacy of post-modernist inquiry, and his overall assessment of useful political engagement. In a sense, this book strives to be the autobiography that Chomsky will probably never write by letting Chomsky speak for himself on the matters of greatest concern to him, through well-placed excerpts from his copious body of published writings and unpublished corespondence.
A Companion to American Literary Studies
Caroline F. Levander, Robert S. Levine
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 9 Septembre 2011
- 9781444343786
A Companion to American Literary Studies addresses the most provocative questions, subjects, and issues animating the field. Essays provide readers with the knowledge and conceptual tools for understanding American literary studies as it is practiced today, and chart new directions for the future of the subject. Offers up-to-date accounts of major new critical approaches to American literary studies Presents state-of-the-art essays on a full range of topics central to the field Essays explore critical and institutional genealogies of the field, increasingly diverse conceptions of American literary study, and unprecedented material changes such as the digital revolution A unique anthology in the field, and an essential resource for libraries, faculty, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates
La doctrine coloniale du droit musulman algérien : bibliographie systématique et introduction critique
Jean-Robert Henry, F. Balique
- CNRS Éditions (réédition numérique FeniXX)
- Cahiers du CRESM
- 7 Janvier 2017
- 9782271098931
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
Practical Transfusion Medicine
Michael F. Murphy, David J. Roberts, Mark H. Yazer
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 7 Mars 2017
- 9781119129424
The fifth edition of this practical textbook on transfusion medicine has been thoroughly revised with the latest in scientific and technological developments and edited by a leading team of international expert haematologists, including new co-editor Mark H. Yazer MD.
A succinct and user-friendly resource of transfusion medicine for clinicians, scientists and trainees with key points, charts and algorithms Discusses practice in blood centres and hospitals including regulatory aspects, transfusion safety, production and storage, donor care, and blood transfusion in a global context Coverage of cellular and tissue therapies and organ transplantation including stem cell collection and haematopoietic stem cell processing and storage Review of the development of the evidence-base for transfusion medicine Content on the clinical practice for transfusion and alternatives to transfusion -
Microwave Chemical and Materials Processing
Satoshi Horikoshi, Nick Serpone, Robert F. Schiffmann, Jun Fukushima
- Springer
- 28 Novembre 2017
- 9789811064661
The principal aim of this book is to introduce chemists through a tutorial approach to the use of microwaves by examining several experiments of microwave chemistry and materials processing. It will subsequently enable chemists to fashion their own experiments in microwave chemistry or materials processing. Microwave heating has become a popular methodology in introducing thermal energy in chemical reactions and material processing in laboratory-scale experiments. Several research cases where microwave heating has been used in a wide range of fields have been reported, including organic synthesis, polymers, nanomaterials, biomaterials, and ceramic sintering, among others. In most cases, microwave equipment is used as a simple heat source. Therefore the principal benefits of microwave radiation have seldom been taken advantage of. One reason is the necessity to understand the nature of electromagnetism, microwave engineering, and thermodynamics. However, it is difficult for a chemist to appreciate these in a short time, so they act as barriers for the chemist who might take an interest in the use of microwave radiation. This book helps to overcome these barriers by using figures and diagrams instead of equations as much as possible.
Beginning Android Games
Robert Green, Mario Zechner, J. F. Dimarzio
- Apress
- 8 Décembre 2016
- 9781484204726
Learn all of the basics needed to join the ranks of successful Android game developers. You'll start with game design fundamentals and Android programming basics, and then progress toward creating your own basic game engine and playable game apps that work on Android smartphones and tablets. Beginning Android Games, Third Edition gives you everything you need to branch out and write your own Android games for a variety of hardware.Do you have an awesome idea for the next break-through mobile gaming title? Beginning Android Games will help you kick-start your project. This book will guide you through the process of making several example game apps using APIs available in Android.
What You'll LearnGain the fundamentals of game programming in the context of the Android platform
Use Android's APIs for graphics, audio, and user input to reflect those fundamentals
Develop two 2D games from scratch, based on Canvas API and OpenGL ES
Create a full-featured 3D game
Publish your games, get crash reports, and support your users
Complete your own playable 2D OpenGL games
Who This Book Is For
People with a basic knowledge of Java who want to write games on the Android platform. It also offers information for experienced game developers about the pitfalls and peculiarities of the platform. -
Lifestyle - the manner in which people live - is fundamental to health, wellness, and prevention of disease. It follows that attention to lifestyle is critically important to effective and successful health care. But here's the challenge: health care professionals receive very little, if any, formal training about lifestyle counseling and therefore are ill equipped to incorporate lifestyle issues into clinical practice. In response, "Lifestyle Medicine" is evolving as a means to fill this knowledge gap. Lifestyle medicine approaches health and wellness by harnessing the power of lifestyle-related behaviors and influencing the environment we live in. It is a formal approach that promises to enhance and strengthen a re-invigorated health care system that is still outpaced by the epidemic proportions and complexity of chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, depression, hypertension, and cancer, among others. Lifestyle Medicine: A Manual for Clinical Practice presents this formal approach in a pragmatic context. This unique and practical manual provides clear and succinct guidance on nearly all aspects of lifestyle medicine. The approach is both explanatory and pragmatic, providing case studies and bulleted translation of academic information into clinical practice recommendations. There is an emphasis on scientific evidence wherever possible as well as opinions by the expert chapter authors who practice lifestyle medicine. There is a "how-to" rationality to the book, consistent with a premise that any and all health care professionals should, and perhaps must, incorporate lifestyle medicine. A valuable checklist is included at the close of the book that summarizes key points and provides a practical tool for routine patient encounters.
Congestive Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation
Daniel J. Garry, Robert F. Wilson, Zeev Vlodaver
- Springer
- 1 Juin 2017
- 9783319445779
This book is a comprehensive overview of heart failure and cardiac transplantation and integrates scientific and clinical information about the physiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of this disorder. Organized into five parts, it reviews the history and basic mechanisms of heart failure; etiology of heart failure; heart failure disease progression; advanced therapies for heart failure; and cardiac transplantation. The book presents basic concepts in the physiology, molecular biology, pathology, and epidemiology of the normal and failing heart; known causes of heart failure, such as right heart failure, valvular cardiomyopathy, molecular mechanisms of sarcomeric cardiomyopathies, and neuromuscular cardiomyopathy; cardiorenal syndrome; neurohormonal activation; cardiac resynchronization, ventricular assist devices; regenerative mechanisms; orthotopic heart transplantation; early and late management of the post-transplant patient; heart transplantation and antibody-mediated rejections; heart-lung transplantation; and cardiac xenotransplantation.
Featuring contributions from leaders in the fields of heart failure, cardiac transplantation, cardiac pathology, and cardiovascular molecular research, Congestive Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation is a valuable compendium for cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, researchers, trainees, and students. -
Handbook of Topological Fixed Point Theory
Robert F. Brown, Massimo Furi, L. Gorniewicz, Boju Jiang
- Springer
- 5 Décembre 2005
- 9781402032226
Homological Methods in Fixed Point Theory.- Coincidence Theory.- On the Lefschetz Fixed Point Theorem.- Linearizations for Maps of Nilmanifolds and Solvmanifolds.- Homotopy Minimal Periods.- Periodic Points and Braid Theory.- Fixed Point Theory of Multivalued Weighted Maps.- Fixed Point Theory for Homogeneous Spaces A Brief Survey.- Equivariant Fixed Point Theory.- A Note on Equivariant Fixed Point Theory.- Equivariant Degree.- Bifurcations of Solutions of SO(2)-Symmetric Nonlinear Problems with Variational Structure.- Nielsen Theory.- Nielsen Root Theory.- More about Nielsen Theories and Their Applications.- Algebraic Techniques for Calculating the Nielsen Number on Hyperbolic Surfaces.- Fibre Techniques in Nielsen Theory Calculations.- Wecken Theorem for Fixed and Periodic Points.- A Primer of Nielsen Fixed Point Theory.- Nielsen Fixed Point Theory on Surfaces.- Relative Nielsen Theory.- Applications.- Applicable Fixed Point Principles.- The Fixed Point Index of the Poincaré Translation Operator on Differentiable Manifolds.- On the Existence of Equilibria and Fixed Points of Maps under Constraints.- Topological Fixed Point Theory and Nonlinear Differential Equations.- Fixed Point Results Based on the Wa?ewski Method.
The Neurobiological Basis of Memory
Pamela A. Jackson, Andrea A. Chiba, Robert F. Berman, Pamela A. Ragozzino
- Springer
- 19 Septembre 2015
- 9783319157597
This exciting volume offers an up-to-date tour of current trends in the neurobiology of memory while saluting Raymond Kesner's pioneering contributions to the field as a theorist and researcher, teacher and mentor. Starting with his signature chapter introducing the Attribute Model of Memory, the first half of the book focuses on the central role of the hippocampus in processing dimensions of space and time, and branches out to memory system interactions across brain structures. Later chapters apply the attribute model to multiple functions of memory in learning, and to specific neurological contexts, including Huntington's disease, traumatic brain injury, and Fragile X. As a bonus, the book concludes with an essay on Kesner's life and work, and reminiscences by colleagues. Among the topics covered: How the hippocampus supports the spatial and temporal attributes of memory.Self-regulation of memory processing centers of the brain.Multiple memory systems: the role of Kesner's Attribute Model in understanding the neurobiology of memory.Pattern separation: a key processing deficit associated with aging?· Prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia attributes underlying behavioral flexibility.Memory disruption following traumatic brain injury. Cognitive neuroscientists, neuropsychologists, gerontologists, psychiatrists, and neurobiologists will find The Neurobiological Basis of Memory both enlightening and inspiring--much like Kesner himself.
Management of Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Murray F. Brennan, Cristina R. Antonescu, Kaled M. Alektiar, Robert G. Maki
- Springer
- 15 Décembre 2016
- 9783319419060
Management of Soft Tissue Sarcoma, 2nd Edition provides the most comprehensive analysis of demographics and natural history currently available for these lesions, based on the authors' experience with over 10,000 patients. Sections regarding radiation therapy not found in the previous text have been expanded, as have updates on molecular characteristics of sarcomas and chemotherapy studies published since the prior edition. Clinical and molecular diagnoses are addressed, and tumor histopathology is employed as the basis of treatment recommendations including surgery, radiation and systemic therapy. This is the first book to provide specific chemotherapy opinions for every sarcoma subtype. Written by four world-renowned experts, this book gives a practical, up-to-date approach to managing the many subtypes of adult soft tissue sarcoma.
Reviews from the first edition:
"This is an impressive book. Written by a surgeon, a pathologist and an oncologist, the book draws heavily on the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center soft tissue sarcoma (STS) database. ... it is a book that should be in the library of any sarcoma unit and will appeal to the sub-specialist in Orthopaedic Oncology." (Robert U. Ashford, European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, Vol. 24, 2014)
"The book is laid out in 27 chapters, with an impressive inclusion of a wide array of sarcoma histology. One of the real strengths of the book is the quality and number of images, figures, tables, and graphs. ... The overall outline of the text is well done. ... This book is a unique and important addition to the sarcoma literature. ... this edtion should find itself on every medical oncologist's bookshelf ... ." (Larry C. Daugherty and Sanjay P. Bagaria, Journal of Radiation Oncology, Vol. 3, 2014) -
A comprehensive guide to the world of mergers and acquisitions Why do so many M&A transactions fail? And what drives the success of those deals that are consummated? Robert Bruner explains that M&A can be understood as a response by managers to forces of turbulence in their environment. Despite the material failure rates of mergers and acquisitions, those pulling the trigger on key strategic decisions can make them work if they spend great care and rigor in the development of their M&A deals. By addressing the key factors of M&A success and failure, Applied Mergers and Acquisitions can help readers do this. Written by one of the foremost thinkers and educators in the field, this invaluable resource teaches readers the art and science of M&A valuation, deal negotiation, and bargaining, and provides a framework for considering tradeoffs in an effort to optimize the value of any M&A deal.
A timely update to the book on using the Market Profile method to trade Emerging over twenty years ago, Market Profile analysis continues to realize a strong following among active traders. The approach explains the underlying dynamics and structure of markets, identifies value areas, price rejection points, and measures the strength of buyers and sellers. Unlike more conventional forms of technical analysis, Market Profile is an all-encompassing approach, and Mind Over Markets, Updated Edition provides traders with a solid understanding of it. Since the first edition of Mind Over Markets-considered the best book on applying Market Profile analysis to trading-was published over a decade ago, much has changed in the worlds of finance and investing. That's why James Dalton, a pioneer in the popularization of Market Profile, has returned with a new edition of this essential guide. Written to reflect today's dynamic market conditions, Mind Over Markets, Updated Edition clearly puts this unique method of interpreting market behavior and identifying trading/investment opportunities in perspective. Includes new chapters on Market Profile-based trading strategies, using Market Profile in connection with other market indicators, and much more Explains how the Market Profile approach has evolved over the past twenty-five years and how it is used by contemporary traders Written by a leading educator and authority on the Market Profile One of the key elements that has long separated successful traders from the rest is their intuitive understanding that time regulates all financial opportunities. The ability to record price information according to time has unleashed huge amounts of useful market information. Mind Over Markets, Updated Edition will show you how to profitably put this information to work for you.
Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy, Interpersonal/Humanistic/Existential
Florence W. Kaslow, Robert F. Massey, Sharon Davis Massey
- Wiley
- 30 Janvier 2004
- 9780471214397
Now available in paperback.
In this volume, theoretical frames, modalities, and applicationsare examined for Interpersonal/Humanistic/Existentialpsychotherapy. Topics range from "Culturally SensitivePsychotherapy with Children" to "Spiritually Sensitive Therapy" and"Existential Treatment with HIV/AIDS clients." -
Robert's Rules of Innovation
Robert F. Brands, Martin J. Kleinman
- Wiley
- 16 Février 2010
- 9780470620984
From a leader in innovation best practices, 10 simple and practical steps your business must take to achieve profitable growth, through innovation In this timely guide, innovation expert and former CEO Robert Brands presents the best practices for today's "innovate or die" world, in the form of 10 simple and practical steps your business must take to achieve growth through innovation. Robert's Rules of InnovationTM simply, intelligently, and entertainingly creates order from the chaos imposed by today's misguided mandate for "addition by subtraction" profitability. Concisely, Robert's Rules of InnovationTM
Distills Robert Brands' wealth of experience as a leader of international product development teams Explains why innovation is imperative Provides the practical steps needed to deliver innovation Draws upon the wisdom of global business leaders and is filled with real world examples, anecdotes, and practices Timely, accessible, and indispensable, Robert's Rules of InnovationTM is a road map for success through sustainable innovation with a clear message: innovation is the lifeblood of business and the secret to outperforming your competition. Direct and practical, Robert's Rules of InnovationTM is a must-read for managers at all levels. -
Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography
Eugene F. Barry, Robert L. Grob
- Wiley-Interscience
- 4 Août 2004
- 9780471651154
The bible of gas chromatography-offering everything the professional and the novice need to know about running, maintaining, and interpreting the results from GC
Analytical chemists, technicians, and scientists in allied disciplines have come to regard Modern Practice of Gas Chomatography as the standard reference in gas chromatography. In addition to serving as an invaluable reference for the experienced practitioner, this bestselling work provides the beginner with a solid understanding of gas chromatographic theory and basic techniques.
This new Fourth Edition incorporates the most recent developments in the field, including entirely new chapters on gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS); optimization of separations and computer assistance; high speed or fast gas chromatography; mobile phase requirements: gas system requirements and sample preparation techniques; qualitative and quantitative analysis by GC; updated information on detectors; validation and QA/QC of chromatographic methods; and useful hints for good gas chromatography.
As in previous editions, contributing authors have been chosen for their expertise and active participation in their respective areas. Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography, Fourth Edition presents a well-rounded and comprehensive overview of the current state of this important technology, providing a practical reference that will greatly appeal to both experienced chomatographers and novices.